We welcome you to add a link to www.90thbombgroup.org to your website which will appear as the logo at the top of this page, although YOUR copy will be an active link to 90thbombgroup.org.

To place a link to 90thbombgroup.org on your site, simply copy the HTML snippet in the table below and paste it into the source of the webpage where you want the link to appear.

Next, RIGHT click on the image above. Select "Save Image As" or "Save Picture As" from the dropdown menu and save the image as "90bglink.gif" in the same direcory of your server as the page you copied the HTML snippet into resides. That's all there is to it!

Thank you for visiting 90thbombgroup.org. Feel free to visit often and PLEASE tell your friends about us.

<a href="http://www.90thbombgroup.org"><img src="90bglink.gif" border="0"></a><p>